From a nutritional perspective, I did a quasi-fast: I drank tons of water, took 4 servings of the cleansing formula and enjoyed 8 small program-created snacks equally throughout the day. I totaled about 500
calories for the day with the majority of them from natural sugars. I did, however, intake a lot of vitamin nutrition from the supplements.
To be honest, this part of the program is a little ... well odd, and doesn't exactly satisfy my need for understanding with its vague explanation of toxins. However, I am committed to following the program exactly, since it's already showing results, and the third party university study of this system keep me satisfied that it works. Most people who use this program say they feel really peaceful and calm after their second day of deep cleansing. Many feel headaches apparently, which I felt none today. I suspect that headaches for most users are probably caused by the imbalance that a low-carb diet will give your body in addition to water flushing out the salt. The advice I received when starting low-carb (which isn't necessarily this program: I'm just keeping it as much as possible low-carb as a personal preference), was to drink chicken broth or powerade zero to replenish the body's electrolytes. It always helped me in transitioning periods. Smart water also uses electrolytes in their formula, and I suspect this might help some fellow users of this program with their headache, since I'm sure most are not used to restricting not only sugars, but breads, pastas, and rice.
Now that I think about it, I haven't gotten withdrawal symptoms from caffeine either since I've been on this program. The program encourages avoiding harmful or toxic substances in your body, like caffeine or artificial sweeter, and to stick to clean eating. No diet coke, coffee, or tea for this lady!
I did experience some nausea and extreme fatigue near the end of the day, and I suspect it may have been my work environment coupled with the cleansing day since my job doesn't mentally stimulate me any more and often leaves me feeling tired from unengaging tasks. After work, I felt markedly better in mood and energy. I definitely will schedule my next cleanse day during a weekend.
What totally surprised me dealt with my hunger levels - you would think with such a sparse caloric intake day that I would feel ravenous. In fact, I barely felt hungry at all! On a 0-10 scale, I would rate my hunger as an average of 1 with zero equating to no hunger. How is this possible!? Is there a hunger suppressant in the vitamins or something? I definitely felt cravings, of course, but my brain wanting food (usually sweets like candy or chocolate) and my body wanting food (I can hear it because it grumbles) is totally different. I am going to do full research on what exactly the effects of each ingredient in the cleansing supplement does in the body.
Overall, an interesting day experiencing the "cleanse" part of this program. If anything, I saved money and time by not having to buy or prepare food today!
your blog very help full for me this help for me thanku