Number Crunching! 30-Day Cleanse - Day 15

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I completed 15 days of the program - exactly half of the 30 days! I literally can not believe the results. What's most insane is that normally, I would have been the most excited about losing the weight and inches, and in fact, I am more excited about the freaking ENERGY that I gained. It's like... a switch turned on somewhere in my body. This is the feeling I searched for when drinking two, four, eight cups of coffee every day at work. Drinking four-plus cans of diet coke. Succumbing to that need for the energy of a sugar rush with a quick trip to the vending machine for a snickers bar or three. I feel this freeing, joyful energy. I feel as if I could do anything again. And I haven't drank caffeine in 15 day (with zero withdrawal symptoms by the way - that was a shocker!) I asked my boyfriend today about the changes he noticed in me, if any, and he spoke about how my mood changed to being consistently more positive every day. There are less sad days or frustrated days, and I am less tired and more energized.

As far as numbers go, I tracked my weight and measurements every morning as well as my total caloric intake and levels of hunger, mood and energy. Based on this data, I created wonderful charts to share. I
should also note that my boyfriend told me today that I love charts more than anyone has ever loved charts.

In a little over two weeks, I've released nine pounds and counting. I've also added the trend line which shows while my weight fluctuated throughout the two weeks, as normal, the pattern still indicates a downward weight loss - which is great news!

I've also released 15 inches total: 

  • Upper Arm: 1.5 inches
  • Chest: 2.5 inches
  • Diaphragm: 2 inches
  • Waist: 1.5 inches
  • Tummy: 3.5 inches (This is my personal favorite. I'm so happy my pants fit again... though they feel looser by the day.)
  • Butt: 2 inches
  • Upper Thigh: 1.5 inches
In addition, I tracked my hunger, mood and energy levels to see if there was any correlation between my new diet and these factors in my life. However, because the numbers are all arbitrary based on how I felt on a certain day, I'm not sure that these tell me anything useful. However, I do now realized that my mood almost exactly follows my energy levels. So, if I'm tired, I'm also grouchy. It also is interesting to me that the days my hunger rose were also the two days I cheated and ate candy. 

More fun numbers: 
  • I lost an average of .6 lbs per day
  • I lost 4.5 lbs per week
  • I lost an inch per day
If this trend continues, I can look forward to: 
  • Losing 18 lbs in 30 days
  • Losing 30 inches in 30 days
Of course, that's not how the body works, but it's a fun look into what the next two weeks might bring. 

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