Number Crunching - 30-Day Cleanse Day 5

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The first thing I set up when I started this program was a wonderful excel sheet with all the pertinent data that I could easily enter and track, because making things in excel pretty much gives me a human equivalent of a dog playing catch: pure joy. How else would I really know it worked?

The highlighted areas indicate areas of change. 

So far, the number indicate a significant change in my body. In five days, I've released ten pounds. It sounds impressive, but inches are the real proof that a program works. In addition, some of this weight is probably water weight, but hey, if the scale moves, the scale moves. I'm not complaining.

 What's more impressive to me is the inches that are melting off my body:

  • Almost three inches in my tummy (the area of biggest concern for me!)
  • An inch lost in just about every other area summing 6 inches. 
  • Total inches released: 8.5 inches

I cannot wait to see the downward trend continue if this is the results in just five days with little to no exercise (yet) and with tasty, nutritious, and easy meals.

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