30-Day Cleansing - Day 9

Friday, February 28, 2014

While I normally would feel disappointed to have kept the same measurements and weight for so many days straight, I have so much energy and focus! Truly, from before the cleanse day to after the cleanse day, it's like night and day. For the second day in a row I felt energized and engaged in work (and believe me, it's not the work that's changed!) 

Weight update: it seems that the 160lbs measurement that I took a few days ago truly was, unfortunately, a fluke. I've been holding steady at 165 since then. However, big picture is that I released 5 pounds in 9 days, and even more impressive: I released 10 inches from all over my body, with the biggest being the three from my tummy and 2 from my bum. That's about 1 inch per day since I started this program! 

I am loving that I FEEL healthier and LOOK better. My pants fit again, which is my favorite part. It's hard to feel good about yourself when you can't even button your pants that you wear to work. 

In other news, I do have a rash on the back of both my hands... I don't think it's related, but I've never had a rash before. So I'll keep an eye out on that. 

30-Day Cleanse - Day 7

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

One week in - and I feel great! I felt energized all day and THAT it the effect I have been waiting for. This is the first time since I started my job, that I was awake and engaged throughout the day and into the evening. Now, after making dinner, making lunch, and preparing food for tomorrow, I will go to bed with only this short update. I can't wait to keep feeling this great or even better!

30-Day Cleanse - Day 6

Today is the day - Cleansing Day - the star player of this cleansing system. This whole program works around the idea of cleansing "toxins" from your body, like caffeine or anything else unhealthy. If I understand correctly, when losing weight quickly and safely (which this program does), your fat cells shrink, which makes the yucky toxic stuff in your body a greater percentage of your body. This triggers a reaction in your body to want to gain the weight back as recon for the presence of all the toxins. I could literally be butchering the explanation, since I fully do not understand it that well. Can anyone with more experience help me out?

30-Day Cleansing - Day 5

Monday, February 24, 2014

I messed up and ate three candy canes while I did chores last night. It messed up my awesome numbers, my energy, and my health. I also came to some really serious personal realizations about me, my life, and my health that I may write about at a different time. I am going to take a scoop of the cleansing powder and go to bed early. No more late nights or candy for me.

Number Crunching - 30-Day Cleanse Day 5

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The first thing I set up when I started this program was a wonderful excel sheet with all the pertinent data that I could easily enter and track, because making things in excel pretty much gives me a human equivalent of a dog playing catch: pure joy. How else would I really know it worked?

The highlighted areas indicate areas of change. 

So far, the number indicate a significant change in my body. In five days, I've released ten pounds. It sounds impressive, but inches are the real proof that a program works. In addition, some of this weight is probably water weight, but hey, if the scale moves, the scale moves. I'm not complaining.

30-Day Cleanse - Day 4

Saturday, February 22, 2014

First of all, just to mix things up this morning, I made a chocolate vanilla shake. And it was delicious! I added one IsaDelight Plus™ Dark Chocolate to the shake as well as my usual three ice cubes and 8oz of water. In addition, I added 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to add more fat to my daily energy. Really, you can't go wrong with the ease of these meals.

My delicious vanilla-chocolate superfood creation.

30-Day Cleanse - Day 3

So today was full of ups and downs. It started out great, I got super-ultra energized during the morning and afternoon, which is awesome because I love feeling productive at work,  but then I overate for lunch. I became WAY too full and all my energy went to digesting food, I'm assuming. So straight from top energy levels to bottom. I slept when I came home, and now am actually feeling sick-sick, with the kind of tickle sore throat that means imminent sickness is coming soon. Maybe that also contributed to my tiredness.

In any case, I don't think how I'm feeling has much to do with the cleansing program as much as my own

30-Day Cleanse - Day 2

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Only the second day, and three pounds lost and a significant development in my fitness recovery!

This morning, the scale moved for the first time in... months. I pretty much had given up every morning on ever seeing that small line move down, so you can imagine my surprise when my 170 lbs dropped to 167. Surely just water weight, but still makes me feel good. Also, can you lose water weight if you've already lost water weight? I lost a good 10 pounds right away when I started my ketogenic diet. It was awesome. Then I lost 10 more. Then I lost 3 pant sizes. I've been stalled for the last three months.

In fact, let's jot down some personal background information: I started a new job in December, right when my weight loss and inches were REALLY on a roll. This was problematic because my old job in retail required walking - a LOT of walking. A lot of physical activity, heavy lifting etc. (Oh how I don't miss logistics.) I estimate that I was probably, on a low side, walking five miles a day, five times a week. Which brings me to now, at my desk job where I just... sit. I love it, but now I understand why fitness and going to

30 Day Cleanse. Day 1.

So, maybe you're like me, and you don't know anyone who's done a "cleanse" program or "shake" program or any other diet program, and to be honest, you're a little skeptical . Does it seem a little too "sales-person-ey?" A little too "Infomercial?"

It seemed that way to me. After time though, the results can't be ignored. My friend from college, who I unashamedly facebook-stalked due to her success on this cleanse program, got me into trying this 30 day nutritional superfood that she and so many of her friends and family also tried.

To be honest, I don't feel as if there's enough genuine and thoughtful discourse from everyday folks like myself readily available out there, at least, I couldn't find much. I did find a lot of shiny marketing materials and glowing "personal testimonies." It's as if all the negative reviews or thoughts about this product were scrubbed clean from the internet. What is this company so afraid of? Controversy is to be expected with any product - it's the overall results that matter.This is my experiment to see if it really holds up to it's claim of losing weight, better performance, and healthy aging. I hope so, because I'm tired of feeling sick and sick of

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